Friday, April 10, 2009


It's been said the road to hell is paved with good intentions. It's a good thing I have fire insurance because I am full of good intentions. I have a million things I "intend" to do but can't seem to get them done.

For example, I have "intended" to post a million things on this blog but I can never seem to get it done. In fact I have a couple posts in the draft stages I haven't been able to finish. Every time I sit down to my computer for a few seconds somehow a blazing alarm goes off to the girls and it's their cue to suddenly be needy. Sammie always needs help looking at this site or that or wants to talk and Felicity wants me to hold her and read her a story. I am really good at multi-tasking except for reading and talking at the same time so my little tenderheart Sammie gets all offended that I am ignoring her and Felicity messes with my mouse and keyboard and Luke is usually on my lap too so that leaves only one hand (at best) for typing. In fact, It has taken me 1/2 hour just to write this so far because I have helped Sammie twice and made Felicity a bread with Jelly and Peanut Butter with no "Lid" on it. Now I have crumbs everywhere! I did get a "Thanks Pal!" from Felicity. That was pretty cute.

I have a billion and ten sewing projects I "intend" to get done. I have the fabric and most of the patterns.

I "intend" to plant a garden this year.

I "intend" to repot some house plants today - cross your fingers.

I have been "intending" to vacuum out the van since the beginning of December.

I "intend" to finally get some scrapbook pages done of the girls, and now Luke.

I feel so unaccomplished! And Frustrated!!! I have not adjusted to being a mom of "3" at all. How did my mom do it with FIVE!! That's crazy!

Okay, I have been interrupted 15 more times since I made the sandwich. No Kidding. And now Luke needs to be fed.

I "intended" to write down a list of all the things I wanted to do but someone else needs me - Oh FORGET IT!!!!


Kim N said...

Sarah, for some reason three was a big transition for me too. I remember one day I was nursing Anna, who was only a couple of weeks old, and Luca was crying that she was hungry, and Lincoln was crying about something, and my kitchen sink was full of dishes. Brett walked in and I burst into tears babbling, "I'm hungry...I'm hungry...when do I get to eat..." My poor husband had to take care of three crying kids and a crying wife. Luckily that phase only last a couple of months and then I was able to ease back into somewhat of a routine.

It is not easy! It looks like you are doing a great job. You have a darling family.

PTD Trader said...

LOL man you should try it with all the kids 3 and under it is crazier. I was talking to Michael who called from Afghanistan opening drinks keeping hunter from eating things he shouldnt and answering crying protests of wanting to talk to dada one more time and I really had to go potty! Its fun and its only last a few years till they wont hold your hand when you walk them to preschool...sniff sniff I havent gotten over that one yet. I think your a great mom just dont make them any spaghetti of doom.

Accalia said...

I know how you feel, and I've only got two! Having two little ones close in age is hard (Hyrum is two and Gordon is one). I'm amazed at what you do, though!