Thursday, February 19, 2009

Baby Update

Okay, so I started having contractions on Tuesday. Not the real serious "I'm gonna die" type pains, but still they were there for about 2 hours. My back and hip is totally killing me but J.W. is home and making me rest a lot and not pick up Felicity and that really helps a ton. Oh what will I do when he is gone for 4 days again! I dread that.

I went to the Dr. today totally set to have him say, "Oh, things are progessing nicely. Let's see you at the hospital Saturday and have this baby!" Well, things did not go as I had hoped. There is still no change from last week. It looks like I will be waiting until my due date. I am so dissappointed!

Felicity is doing really well on potty training! I think it may stick this time. J.W. really inspired her to stay dry by telling her about Disneyland and going to D-land when she is all trained. I hope she can wait that long because it will be at least May or June. Anyone want to go with us?


Christina said...

I would so go to Disneyland with you guys but Ryan's parents are dragging the whole Merrill family to California over spring break. I would much rather go with you guys.
If you need some more inspiration for Felicity you can get free maps of Walt Disney World online at They mail them to you and they are pretty cool, when we ordered them 2 years ago they looked like olde world maps but very disney too. The one of the Magic Kingdom is not exactly like disneyland put it is pretty close. Before you go to D-land check out Ridemax ( it is a great program that really helps shorten your wait in line time. We have used it for 3 trips to Disneyland and I will never go without a ridemax plan again. They also have great tips for the rides and parades.
Good luck with your baby. I am sorry that they won't start you on Saturday. Take it easy!!!

Phyllis said...

Yes! We want to go! I'm sorry about the news at the doctor. I fully expected you to be going to the hospital tonight or tomorrow. Hang in there. You're in our prayers.