Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 Random Thoughts

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I have chronic insomnia and don't think I've slept throught the night in about 6 years. When I am teaching dance I can't fall asleep because I usually have annoying preschool songs stuck in my head or I am thinking up ballet combinations over and over.

2. I still have a Christmas ringtone on my cellphone. I don't even think about changing it until it rings or and then I completely forget about it.

3. I really don't like having a dog and wish we didn't but can see how much the girls & J.W. love her and benefit from having her so I put up with it.

4. I absolutely adore everything about my husband and feel so lucky he is in love with me too. He can fix or make anything (except dinner). He is almost ALWAYS right (really). He treats the girls and I like princesses. I can totally overlook the moodiness because he makes up for it in so many other ways.

5. I think all children are beautiful and special but secretly think mine are the most beautiful, special, sweet, funny, best kids in the whole world. In general they are much better than me and I wonder how I was able to get such angels. I'm not biased : )

6. I feel lucky and priveledged to be able to bring a child into this world but at the same time I HATE absolutely every single second of being pregnant. I feel incredibly guilty about this and just wish I could be grateful to even have children. Especially since it took so long to get Felicity!

7. I am counting my blessings that I haven't puked my guts out in 3 + weeks. Well, I haven't taken my prenatal vitamins or iron pills in that long either.

8. My greatest fantasy is to have a maid, chef, personal trainer and a masseuse.

9. I love going on J.W.'s overnights even though travel time is often as long as the stay. Even though I just see the airport and hotel and a tiny bit of the city it is still fun to be somewhere else. I can't wait till I can ditch the girls and go just by myself (did I really say that?)

10. I was on # 15 of this silly thing when Felcitiy messed with the buttons on my keyboard and erased it all! I know the first 10 aren't the same because my memory lately (prego brain) is shot and I don't have a clue what I wrote before.

11. I love gardening and want my yard to be beautiful. I love to pull weeds. My favorite flowers are bleeding hearts and Peonys. I don't have any Peonys yet.

12. I have a serious problem finishing things. I completely avoid putting the "finishing touches" on most of my projects and the things I do because then I can say I'm still working on them and don't judge me! I even skip the last couple pages of a lot of books.

13. I love to read and could waste an entire day reading a good book.

14. I hate scrapbooking but love taking pictures and looking at other people's scrapbook pages. I wish I could make pages like them... but I hate it.

15. I wonder how a tiny little two year old has so much to say...all the time! She never stops talking! I really think it's cute though. Most of the time.

16. I still think the snow is a novelty and really don't mind it ...yet. But I really, really miss the Fresno Fog and a lot of things about living in California.

17. I have so many projects to do on my house. It's only 3 years old but I keep finding things I want to improve or change. Most of them involve J.W. doing them : ). I love my house.

18. I have the same dreams over and over and over. One reoccurring dream is my teeth falling out. Another one is bubblegum stuck in my teeth! Gross! Analyze that.

19. Since I was little I have been paranoid of robbers coming into my house while I am sleeping. I remember being terrified and laying so still and trying not to move. That is probably why I am so bad at sleeping issues with my kids and sit with them until they fall asleep.

20. I'm really not that bad of a typist or speller but this keyboard really sucks and is not displaying the words as quick as I am typing them. How annoying!

21. I am not a gamer at all and don't really like playing video games but lately have been hooked on Animal Crossing. So are Sammie and J.W.

22. I could never be anorexic because I feel really terrible and sick when I don't eat.

23. 25? Really. I have run out of things.

24. I have so many ideas to do my girls hair in beautiful, funky or fun ways but they both hate getting their hair done at all. This really bums be out.

25. I just noticed how many of my posts say hate and all of my sister Jenny's say LOVE. Hmmmmm.


Aapree said...

So fun to read your 25 interesting things! I found out some things i didn't know about you. :) You are such a wonderful person!

Phyllis said...

I laughed and laughted about your reoccuring dreams. Fun to read about your inner thoughts. I love you very much. And my beautiful grandchildren. Hope you're feeling better. You're almost there!