Sunday, July 13, 2008


We went on an overnight camp last week up the mountain to Bountiful Peak. It was so beautiful up there! I think I counted 15 different wild flowers in bloom. It was amazing. It wasn't too hot, maybe 80 degrees but the bugs were out in full force.

Of course we took the ATV's and went on some awesome rides! We had a great time. Well, Sammie had her first little accident (Don't freak out mom!). We were going up a pretty rocky trail with a slope on the left side and Sammie hit a rock and leaned the wrong way and fell off her four wheeler on the slope side! I think she must have still been holding on the handlebars because the 4W rolled over and pushed her down the slope. Luckily there were a lot of trees that she was able to hang onto until I could get up there to come and get her. It was scary but she didn't even get a single scrape. I just can't wait till we can get her in the ATV class so many she can manuever a little better.

Reena (the dog) was begging to go with us so we let her come along. She was happy and trotting right along with us until about the last 20 minutes or so of the 2+ hours. Then she was really worn out and slowing down a lot. The next day the poor thing was so sore she could barely move! I felt so bad for her! It made it really easy to keep her around camp though. She is a good dog and fun to take camping.

We had fun playing catch, even though I am afraid of the ball! Sammie was really getting good. Felicity was so dang cute, I don't know where she picked this up but every time she would throw the ball she would say "whoa baby, baby, baby!" It was hilarious. She loved camping. And what's even funnier is she loved going down to the potty! That one I just can't figure out. The restrooms were absolutely horrible! I think it may have just been that every time one of us had to "go" all the girls went together. Of course, both the girls loved the fire and smores.

We had a great trip and amazingly didn't forget anything too important (like the sleeping bags, or the food!) I think we may be learning! We plan on going camping in two weeks and I hope it goes just as good as this one!


Shauna said...

I love smores too! Glad you and your sweet family had a great camping trip! Love You all lots :)

Christina said...

Sarah I found you. I saw your mom at Barnes and Noble for the Breaking Dawn release and she told me you had a blog. I have been thinking about you lately and I was going to call you a hundred times!! I love blogging and catching up with people. I can't believe Sammie is 9 in my mind she is still 5. I love the name Felicity-if I ever have a girl it is surely in the running. Sounds like you guys are doing well and having a great time.